Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Sunday, February 6, 2022
Thriller themes
Dont Breathe
Don't breathe has a lot of themes that make the audience want to keep watching , there are themes such as:
Fear is shown a lot throughout this film as the blind man has kidnapped the young girl who killed his daughter in a car accident. when Rocky, Alex, Money go into the blind mans house they are in fear of what could happen to them if the blind man can sense that theres someone in his house. The man has finally found out that there are people in his house and what he does is he has killed money soon Alex and rocky are left and they have to try find their way out without him catching them, however it isn't all easy because the blind man has locked all windows shut all doors and its covered with nails so there is no escape, because of this they are hiding from him and are in fear off being caught and killed by him. At (1;16) you can see the fear in Alex's eyes when she sees her boyfriend getting shot by the blind man , as he has just died the man drags him from his legs and takes him somewhere yet to be known by alex as all she can think of at the moment is what will happen to her and rocky (1: 54) from this time scene you can see the fear in their eyes as they are getting scared of what is going to happen being trapped in blinds man house with not a sight of light to be seen.
this film includes frequent violence which is border line torture and abuse as there are women who are being held hostage and are being tormented , there is one girl who gets artificially inseminated against her will and there has been an attempt made where he is trying to inseminate the others. There are a lot of gun violence in the scene with the characters either wounded or killed and blood has splattered everywhere. In the film it includes parts where a dog has attacked a man which then lead to him falling out of a window and into a glass roof and also where the same dog has attacked rocky in her car and tried to harm her by trying to biter her so she punches the dog in order to get it away from her. DOG ATTACK
Claustrophobia is shown in this film as the burglars have no space to move or try and get out of because all they have is the blind mans house with not a sight of light to help them escape,. Later on in the scene the blind man has kidnapped the girl who ran over his daughter in a car accident and he impregnates her as he wants a child this was his reasoning as he thinks hes not raping her which he clearly is. This gives a claustrophobic sense to the audience as he has tied her up in a small room and shes not able to move. 2:19 here at this scene both alex and rocky are in a room when all of a sudden the lights have turned off and the only way to find their around is to by feeling around the room in hopes that they dont accidentally touch the blind man. This gives us a sense of claustrophobia as they are in the dark and it feels like the space is closing around them and also because when the blind man finally catches the guy he isnt able to breathe and this has caused him to feel choked because when the blind man catches him alex is trying his best to not say a word as he might get killed however he will eventually stop breathing and pass out.
production log 15-16
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This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office .
Sound effects which would feature in Revenge: Background sounds People chatting Coffee machine Phone call ringing Cricket insect soun...